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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To ensure that academia and the NGP is a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for all students and faculty:

We strive to identify and discuss challenges of race and ethnicity, and their impact on all members of our community including students, faculty, administrators and staff.

We denounce all forms of hate, discrimination, and bigotry.

We commit to take action after identifying these issues in the development and implementation of strategies to dismantle racism within our academic program and community.


To ensure that all parties are aware of the issues that faculty and students from diverse backgrounds endure within academia and during the pursuit of their PhDs:

We recognize that racism can be unconscious and unintentional, and are committed to understanding, identifying, acknowledging, and correcting, inequities within our community, our institution, and our greater society.  Racism is the combination of historical and contemporary social and institutional systems in place of power as well as racial prejudice, explicit and implicit.


To ensure that all parties share the common goal - to identify and rectify these issues:

The NGP is resolved to explicitly confirm our identity as an anti-racist graduate program, while realizing that we are constantly learning how to improve our policies, programs, and practices with anti-racism commitment as a driving force.


To these ends we are committed to fighting racism and oppression in all its forms.